Conference Call Solutions

Volume 11 • Issue 2

Welcome to our e-Newsletter on conference call solutions!

To share some exciting news, I am pleased that my book, A Manager’s Guide to Virtual Teams has been well received and currently has 50+ reviews on Amazon. This year AIM has been creating an extensive blended learning package for virtual managers to use in tandem with the book. Several of you requested additional information about creating Context Communication and conference call etiquette on your virtual team. I’ve written about this topic on my blog where you can download a free chapter from my book, and this eNews edition provides you with 10 Conference Call Solutions for More Productive Virtual Meetings.

Happy virtual teaming!


In This Issue

Teleconferencing Anyone?

Today’s technology-based contact systems offer speed and convenience as well as the ability to instantaneously communicate to large numbers of people over large distances. However, technology-based communications will always be bound by our senses, which rely upon the traditional forms of communication. For example, let’s take teleconference etiquette. Did you participate in a conference call today? How did it go? Most people don’t feel very positive about these calls; I’ve heard them described as a “nightmare,” “pointless,” and “tedious.” So how can we make the experience more useful?

10 Conference Call Solutions for More Productive Virtual Meetings

1. Select a facilitator who can keep things moving. The facilitator of the teleconference is not necessarily the leader, but could be. The key is to choose someone who is a skilled facilitator rather than a lecturer or manager, someone with these characteristics: skills in group dynamics and language; able to construct relevant questions and sensitive to balancing work issues with participants’ time constraints. Consider having note taker and time keeper roles shared or rotated so calls can be more efficient. And, start and end meetings on time so people have fewer excuses to miss them.

2. Distribute the agenda beforehand. Treat the conference call as if it were a meeting. Prepare and distribute the agenda and any other documents pertinent to the meeting before the call takes place. Keep the group focused on the agenda and on the time.

3. Identify the objectives up front. Ensure that participants are aware of the desired end results.

4. Have ground rules in place at the beginning.

• Make sure that callers says hello and introduces themselves.
• Say your name each time you speak.
• Use your mute button to eliminate background noise.
• Focus your comments and keep them short.

5. Give feedback to participants. Tell them what they did well on the call and where they need to shift. Do this halfway through if the call is not going well, or at the end if things ran smoothly.

6. Ensure that everyone is treated with respect. Your job as the facilitator is to protect the self-esteem of participants on the call. Facilitators should be objective, so don’t criticize anyone or allow anyone else to be attacked. In addition, do not let one person dominate, or hog air time. Keep track of who is actively participating, and engage silent individuals in the discussion.

7. Intervene immediately if you believe things are running off track. Nicely, but firmly, intervene if a participant is not following conference call etiquette. For example: “Thanks, Bart for making that point. Let’s note it for later since it’s not part of today’s agenda.”

8. Maximize the entire group’s input. Be sure to get everyone involved. Ask yourself: is this phone conference necessary, or could today’s business be just as easily conducted in a series of emails? If you deem the call useful, make sure it’s an interactive experience for everyone.

9. Debrief at the end. Ask team members whether they found the meeting valuable. See how well it matched your agenda and intended outcomes. Conclude the call as you would any meeting, summarizing, confirming decisions and reiterating future steps.

10. Evaluate what worked and what didn’t before planning the next teleconference. Was every participant essential? Could the issues have been handled by email? Was this precious time used to brainstorm, resolve differences and make decisions? Make sure everyone’s time was well spent.

Conference Calls and Silent Riders

It is easy for team members to stay in the background and impassively witness a conversation in e-mail strings and conference calls. In the virtual workplace, a lack of contribution is less noticeable than at on-site meetings. Even motivated team members may be quiet during these times. I refer to colleagues who do not contribute during conference calls as Silent Riders. Silent Riders may fulfill their responsibilities, but may need an extra push to join the discussion. To encourage quiet team members to speak up, you may need to try several conference call solutions. Ask questions to keep the conversation alive. Or you can do a round-robin to hear from every attendee. Alternatively, you can occasionally ask a specific participant a question (“Alex, what do you think?”).

If you are dealing with global language barriers, Silent Riders may need an extra nudge. One of my clients, a virtual manager at an international insurance conglomerate, had to conduct regular conference calls with ten people from five different countries in Asia. During his first call, few team members spoke, and he found the added difficulties of language barriers and background noise made it even more difficult to communicate. Together we came up with these conference call solutions to draw out his Silent Riders.

Specific Questions for the Call

I like the saying, “None of us is as smart as all of us.” Keep that saying in front of you as a reminder that the results of encouraging more reticent team members are worth the extra effort of engaging them. In addition, you cannot assume that every member on the call has all the relevant information, since the team is a fluid entity, with members leaving and arriving because of ongoing projects and commitments. Also, consider the kinds of questions that new team members participating in their first call might have. For instance:

• Were important points about the topic made on previous calls?(In other words, what is the history of an ongoing conversation?)
• What is this call supposed to accomplish?
• Who is responsible for specific agenda items and who is knowledgeable about key issues?
• Do I know what our team’s specific acronyms and shorthand mean?

Conference calls are indispensable for moving complex projects along, especially in the virtual environment. It is up to you to provide conference call solutions to create the context for meeting attendees to connect the dots to the bigger picture and drive your virtual team success.

About AIM Strategies

AIM Strategies® Applied Innovative Management® is a results-driven Human Capital Consulting firm specializing in the areas of: Global Leadership Development, Co-located and Virtual Team Facilitation, Cross Cultural Communications, and Change Integration Services. To request information about AIM’s experiential learning methods (5D’s™ Consulting/Proprietary Training Methodology and ACT™ Coaching Process), please email In upcoming issues of this newsletter, we’ll update you on tips and techniques related to raising your innovative management IQ. We are confident that the solutions we develop fit your needs and culture. Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues and visit to learn more about how our services unlock the people potential of your organization!

  • Virtual Teams:

    AIM offers workshops, training and coaching on strategies for managing virtual teams. For information contact:
  • Video Cliff Notes:

    To inquire about other resources, webcasts and recordings contact: or visit our Media section
  • Newsflash:

    Virtual teams are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the best companies know how to insure both efficiency and effectiveness on their teams. AIM can help you get started. We have a systematic approach to VTs and offer training, tools, and best practices. For information, visit our general AIM company website
  • Team Setup Tool:

    Would one of your teams have an interest in receiving data-based feedback on how members can effectively set up their virtual team? Find out by contacting:
  • Teams in Person:

    If you would like to explore having Yael and/or AIM consultants spend time with your team, please let us know. We are especially interested in offering short presentations or workshops about the new book. Shorter sessions introduce virtual teams to our thinking; longer workshops build people’s skills in using our practical methodology. For more information contact :
  • Contact:

    AIM Strategies®,
    Applied Innovative Management®
    A Yael Zofi Company
    T: (718) 832-6699
    F: (718) 832-6660