Manager and Employee Assessment Tools

Assessments and surveys provide the proper basis and tools for better team alignment. Each manager, and just as important, and each virtual team member alike, have their own unique communication style and leadership preferences. These differences can create gaps in communication, leading to ineffective teams and communication breakdowns. that impact team performance.

Teams need to align mission, values, and goals. AIM® and Yael Zofi’s leadership assessment survey services, such as manager and employee evaluation tools, strategically provide the groundbreaking insight for combining these joint forces, leading to unprecedented competitive advantage

Managers report that by using assessment tools, they witness measured growth of productivity and performance, as well as improved social connection, communication and collaboration.

With resultant evaluations and accurate measurement of each group member’s strengths,
weaknesses, and development areas, teams are empowered to create better operational structures and communication solutions that are more efficient and effective, leading to greater success.

Most impactful are assessments strategically matched with advising, coaching, workshops and other services.

Let Yael Zofi and her AIM® team partner with you to unlock your business teams’ power and potential.

Employee Assessment Tools, Surveys, Evaluations

“Your assessment advice about my global leadership was perfect. I worked on my Team Code and think it was an effective experience.

You helped me get back on track to clarify and better understand how to improve my leadership communication style.
Thank you!”

Director, Global Systems

Virtual Team Setup (TSU) Assessment

Yael Zofi, along with her AIM® colleagues have created a series of effective employee assessment products designed to impact leadership and team performance. These assessment and evaluation offer a blueprint for building quality solutions for our clients:

Typical Process Approximate Completion Time
Step 1: Online Assessment 15 – 45 minutes, dependent on tool
Step 2: Survey Analysis

1 week turnaround time

Step 3: Survey Report*

15 minute call with certified facilitator

*All online assessment services include a certified facilitator who works closely with each client to analyze results and propose best-fit solutions.

Which tool is right for you?

GlobaLeadership™ Leader 360
Gauges leadership ability and determines proficiency based on self-perception scores and responses from bosses, clients and peers.

GlobaLeadership™ Team Assessment/360
Helps virtual teams evaluate collective leadership capabilities of the entire unit in global business environments.

Virtual Team Setup
Identifies the strengths, preferences and perspectives of each team member while increasing commitment and generating effective group process.

Trust Audit™
Helps virtual teams identify and strengthen their level of trust and accountability, promote better team cohesion, and increase productivity.

People Management Assessment™
Provides a measurement checkpoint for people management action planning. Ideal for managers transitioning from technical positions to strategic people management roles. Also, works well for individuals with increased leadership communication responsibilities.

TOPS™ Managing Up Survey
Highlights similarities and differences in work styles of managers and direct reports as well as manager’s preferences. Identifies improvement areas such as communication and personality differences.

Networking Styles Survey
Assesses an individual’s style, strengths and skills at adapting new techniques to modify behavior and communicate across networking types.

Cultural Lens Inventory
Assists managers in understanding their cultural sensitivity levels, how they are perceived in global settings, and suggests methods to resolve cultural misunderstandings.

About  GlobaLeader Assessment:

“. . . Informative…great tool for organizations who are truly looking to strengthen the global leadership capabilities of their managers as well as employees.”

Training Director NuCO2 and former VP at Société Générale
(Read Full Client Letter)