4 Tips for Finding the Best Executive Coach Service For You

Learn How To Find Your Ideal Executive Coach Service

executive coach serviceWinter comes and goes, but a quality executive coach service weathers all seasons.

We just released the latest edition of our signature AIM® Newsletter featuring a piece on choosing an executive coach service as part of your management leadership training. Many of you have shared that it is not easy to find a person who ‘gets you’ from a business perspective, understands your capabilities, and has your interest in mind when offering advice. In this eNews segment, I provide tips to assist your management and leadership consulting search!

Choosing to work with an executive coach is more important than ever. Why? Many companies have shed the responsibility for executive development and placed the onus back on the individual, which means you. You are responsible for managing your career.

Effective coaches understand what this means and can confidentially guide you through a successful career management process. But again, it is about finding the right ‘fit.’ You want a coach who will help you gain the competitive edge you need to move your career toward promotion.
If my recent engagements are any indication – and I believe they are – the trend towards executive coaching is growing. Executive coaching, as you know, builds the critical self-awareness essential for communicating effectively. It also helps you better understand how your colleagues perceive you.

Executive coaching is not for the faint of heart! Anyone who has been through a performance review knows it isn’t easy to hear others critique your efforts. The truth is most performance reviews don’t even scratch the surface compared to the executive coaching experience. Those who complete this process come away with more focused goals, greater clarity about problem-solving, and a better feel for managing productive workforces.

However, one key element is essential for a successful journey through this process – a talented coach. Good coaches are known for wearing many hats – mentor, therapist, guide, critic, and specialist. In this one-to-one experience, the individual (the coachee) and the coach develop a bond based on trust and mutual respect, without which the difficult stages of (1) self-disclosure, (2) assessment, (3) deconstruction, (4) reconstruction, and (5) guidance can’t be realized.

So, consider the following steps when selecting your coach:

1.    Methods
2.    Style
3.    Longevity
4.    Chemistry

Learn more about these steps for finding an executive coach service in the latest AIM® Newsletter. While you’re there, check out the announcement on our new blog series called “Virtual Team Comic Relief.” It is a special treat for our loyal readership and welcomed new subscribers. If you enjoy it, spread the word and share the link. It’s only available on Fridays at the Virtual Teams Guide!