Virtual Teams Project Management: A Look Back

This Year in Virtual Teams Project Management

virtual teams project managementLet’s take a look back on what we learned about virtual teams project management this year. 2012 presented many challenges in the world, with natural disasters, political upheavals and economic uncertainty filling the headlines throughout the year. However. as the saying goes, challenges go hand in hand with opportunities. We at AIM Strategies® are grateful that during this time of great uncertainty we were able to help our core project manager virtual audience navigate the aftershocks of shifting global markets and technological change. We have worked with the ever-expanding virtual community, helping organizations connect their people resources to meet these demands. Their support and interest keep us firmly on track. As 2012 winds down, I would like to reflect on key achievements that made the year especially meaningful for me.

Helping companies work more productively in the virtual world has long been a passion of mine, and I am pleased that this year my business reached across many locales, time zones and continents. The Virtual Workplace continues to spread, and I anticipate further cross cultural communication expansion in 2013.

Here are selected highlights and links from articles I penned this year, as well as presentations and webinars I conducted , that may be helpful as you navigate your own virtual challenges.

What it Takes to Run an Effective Meeting

AMA webinar How to Effectively Lead Virtual Team Meetings
• Article from 10 Tips for Making Your Conference Calls More Productive

How to Create Communication Cues in the Virtual World Webcast Virtual Teams; Creating Context in a Virtual World Webcast 5 Secrets to Engaging “Lost Riders” on Your Virtual Teams
• Article in People & Strategy Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication & Overcoming Intercultural Disconnect in Your Virtual Team  

Techniques and Best Practices for Managing Virtual Teams

• Video Interview WATCH-IT Managing Virtual Teams: Techniques and Best Practices
• Article in Technology & Society Getting Deliverables Out the Door with Your Virtual Team – Administering CPR

Characteristics of High Performing Virtual Teams

HR/NY Presentation AIM for Excellence: 8 Characteristics of High Performing Virtual Teams

I would be remiss if I did not make note of two highlights of a busy year – presenting at major professional conferences, first, at ASTD’s annual conference where I was a featured speaker. I shared best practices on how technology impacts Virtual Teams. Later on this year I ran a two-day interactive training class at SHRM’s annual conference on virtual teams project management. This workshop generated many insights that I have since shared with clients and colleagues.

My book,  A Manager’s Guide to Virtual Teams, continues to impact both managers and team members who look for ways to collaborate more productively using virtual teams project management, and I happily shared lessons learned with various interviewers and bloggers throughout the year. Click here to download a free chapter!